The food pantry is still in need of several items that would help us to stock our shelves and also prepare the specialty food items we need for our families for their Thanksgiving Day meal.
The items we need include:
· Cereal
· Oatmeal
· Canned Fruit
· Canned Soups/Stew/Chili
· Canned Sweet Potatoes
· Canned Tuna Fish
· Canned Chicken
· Brown Sugar (1# packs)
· Miniature Marshmallows
· Cranberry Sauce
· Instant Mashed Potatoes
If you would like to donate any of these items, we ask that you drop them off at the food pantry located in Finley Hall at St. Francis of Assisi, Monday – Friday, 8:00 am—12:00 Noon. Some of the above food items we are asking for will support the Thanksgiving Day meal specialty items we plan to give our families.
You may also make a monetary donation to the food pantry if you prefer. Monetary donations are accepted by check made payable to: “St. John XXIII Interfaith Food Pantry”. Please send your check to the parish office at 120 Abington Drive, or place your check in the Sunday collection. If you prefer to use online giving, go to the food pantry website: You will be able to access the online giving “Q-Giv” to submit your donation.
Thank-you to everyone for their financial support and many donations of food items we have received since we have been opened. Everyone has been extremely generous. We are blessed by your generosity and kindness.