A parishioner requests a blanket for someone who may be ‘going in’ for surgery or for someone terminally ill or just very ill. A blanket can be requested for someone who simply needs comforting and assurance that they are not forgotten. The recipient does not have to be a parishioner. A blanket is given to the requesting parishioner to take to the priest after Communion, when he will bless it. The blanket is then taken to the back of the church and placed on a table. As the congregation leaves, they are invited to ‘lay hands on and pray over’ the blanket for the recipient. The blanket is then taken by those who requested it to the recipient. The Prayer Blanket can be blessed at weekend Masses or weekday Masses.
Each blanket uses 1 1/2 yards of cotton and 1 1/2 yards of cloth with complimentary color. Monetary donations are accepted for the prayer blankets. The donation can be put in an envelope with prayer blanket donation on it. The envelope can be dropped in the collection basket or dropped at the parish office mail slot. The ministry is kept going by a donation from the requested blankets. Donations of cotton only fabric can be dropped off inside Finley Hall in the room to the left of the foyer. Please note on the bag, Prayer Blanket Ministry.
For further information to volunteer to help sew or put the blanket kits together or to request a blanket to be blessed, please contact us.